April Gifted Class Newsletter

Mr. McGaughey’s Class News:

Bayview Public School Gifted Class

April 19, 2011

Today in class we calculated that we are almost exactly 3/4 of the way through the school year. There are 49 instructional days left.

We took some time this morning to review the projects and special events we will be working on in the last quarter of the school year.

Next week:

Finish up mathematics numeration unit. Math test on Tuesday April 26.

Grade 4: Social Studies Test Thursday April 21.

Thursday April 21: Scholastic Book orders are due.

Go Conference: The Gifted Outreach Conference (hosted by Nipissing University Education students) is on Friday May 6. A permission form for the GO conference is attached to this newsletter.

Jump Rope for Heart

Bayview School’s Annual Jump Rope for Heart is also scheduled for May 6.  We will be having our Jump Rope for Heart together with the Grade 4s on Tuesday May 10.

Federal Election

We have had some good discussions in class about the upcoming federal election. Over the next two weeks we may do some study of the issues in the federal election leading towards a mock student vote on Election Day.

Alphabiography Project: We have been working on the alphabiography project since early February. By now you should have about 10 to 15 entries of about 250 words each. The complete project of at least 20 entries is due on Wednesday May 25. Here is a sample Sample Alphabiography Entry and the Self Assessment sheet for the assignment.

Personal Project: A few students completed a personal project before Christmas. If you have not started a personal project, please see Mr. McGaughey with your topic before the end of next week. You will need to complete a personal project before June 15. Details on the  Personal Project Assignment can be found here.

Novel Study: Over the next two weeks in English class we will be starting a novel study. This will follow the format of our twice weekly literature circles that we have been working on for the past month. Basically, you will be responsible for reading several chapter(s), then writing a brief summary of the chapters and preparing to lead one portion of the discussion as character expert, discussion director, illustrator, etc…

Debate: In mid May, we hope to have a debate with another Gifted class from Orillia using the teleconferencing equipment we have at the school. More details on this debate will follow.

Music Video: In past years, students in the Gifted Class have greatly enjoyed doing a music video project. We will be doing this again this year. This project will be assigned in mid-May and will be due in June.

Annual IPRC reviews: I will be sending home information and letters regarding annual IPRC reviews in early to mid-May.

Math: Our next math unit will be on patterning and algebra. We will end the year with units on measurement and geometry, probability, and numeration. I will send home the unit outline when we begin the unit.

Go Conference Information and Permission form

April 18, 2011

Dear Parents:

The gifted students at Bayview school have been invited to the annual Gifted Outreach (GO) conference presented by the teacher candidates of Nipissing University at Nipissing University in Orillia on May 6, 2011.

We will need to leave the school at 9:00 am shortly after the buses arrive. We will be returning to the school, at 4 pm., so you will need to make arrangements to pick up your child from the school on that date.

The Schedule for the day is attached. Students will need to bring their lunch.

While field trips are supervised by the teaching staff, they involve activities beyond those of normal school programs. It is essential that parent/guardians counsel their children on the necessity for extra care and cooperation.

Thank you,

Mr. McGaughey

GO Conference

Topic: CSI: Orillia

Location: Lakehead University

500 University Avenue


Date: May 6, 2011


10:00-10:20 Opening Address and Welcome

10:30-11:30 Keynote Group A and Workshop # 1

11:30-12:10 Lunch

12:10-1:10 Keynote Group B and Workshop # 2

1:20-2:20 Workshop # 3

2:30-2:50 Closing Ceremonies
3:00 Departure of students

I give permission for my child _________________________ to attend the Simcoe County District School Board GO CONFERENCE on May 6, 2011.

————————-             ————————-

Signature                         Date

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Snowed Out!

Bayview SnowHere is a view out my classroom window of the snow falling into our school courtyard this morning.  Unfortunately,  the snow squalls prevented Jaime, Trevor, Aislinn, Jennifer and I from going to the Junior Math Road Rally at the school board office today.  We were all disappointed.

Just a reminder that we have a PA day on Monday January 24.  There will be no classes for students.

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Agenda March 31-April 3

Sharing This Week:  U as in use or up

Monday March 30
Sharing Today: Amy, Makenzie
April Scholastic Book Orders go home.
Tuesday March 31
Sharing today: Justin, West
Grade 1:
Wednesday April 1: Kindergarten A Day
Sharing today: Ede, Alexis
Hot Dog Day: $1.00/hot dog
Kindergarten Shared Reading books go home.
Thursday April 2:
Sharing today: Abbey, Nathan
Pizza day $1.50/slice
Friday April 3: Kindergarten Students stay home today
Sharing today:
Shared Reading Books go home
Sharing next week: Monday, March 23: y as in year (consonant) or day (vowel): Morgan, Riley B.
Monday April 6: Scholastic Book Orders Due

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Agenda for March 9-13

Sharing this week O as in note or otter
Our class webpage is now at http://mcgaughey.edublogs.org
Date Parent// Teacher Comments
Monday March 9

Sharing Today:  Amy, Makenzie, Aaliyah

Tuesday  March 10

Sharing today: Justin, West

Grade 1:


Wednesday  March 11: Kindergarten A Day

Sharing today: Ede, Alexis

Hot Dog Day:  $1.00/hot dog

Thursday  March 12:

Sharing today: Abbey, Nathan


Pizza day $1.50/slice

Friday   March 13: Kindergarten Students stay home today

Sharing today:

Shared Reading Books go home



(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).

Sharing Monday, March 23: U as in use or up:  Morgan, Riley B.


Monday March 9:  Report Cards Go Home

Wednesday March 11:  Scholastic Book Orders Due

March Break:  March 14-22

Wild Turkeys Spotted at Bayview School

Shared Writing by Mr. McGaughey’s Grade 1 class. Typed by Mr. McGaughey.

On Tuesday the Wild Turkeys came to our school.  They are a band of 5 young men.  They are all brothers from 2 different families.  Devon plays the bass guitar. Byron plays the fiddle.  Vaughn plays the drums. Marshall plays the mandolin.  Sheldon plays the guitar, harmonica and fiddle. They played lots of songs at Bayview.  The were very nice.  We were lucky to have them here.  We love the songs that they played. I hope they can come again next year. They are going to play at Huronia Museum tonight, Thursday March 5, from 7 to 9 pm.  Mr. McGaughey is going to play at the beginning with the Bayview Songwriting Club.  Admission to the concert is free but they will be taking donations for Stellula Music in Schools.   Stellula is a group that brings musicians to schools in Simcoe County to perform and work with student songwriters.

Stellula Music in Schools

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March 2-6 Agenda

Please return this section to school daily so we can add notes to it during the week.

Sharing this week Sharing this week o as over, note or otter

Our class webpage is now at http://mcgaughey.edublogs.org
Date Parent// Teacher Comments
Monday March 2

Library today

Sharing today: Morgan

Tuesday  March 3

Sharing today: Riley W. Max

We have a concert in the library with the Wild Turkeys at 9:00



Wednesday  March 4 Kindergarten A Day

Sharing today: Riley B., Brayden, Holden

Hot Dog Day:  $1.00/hot dog


Dinosaur School

Thursday  March 5

Sharing today: Maya, Curtis


Pizza day $1.50/slice

Friday   March 6: Kindergarten A Day Kindergarten Students come to school today

Sharing today: Aaliyah

Shared Reading Books go home

Miss Beausoleil has prepared a yummy special math, art, and language unit that we will be working on today.



(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).

Sharing next week o as over, note or otter:  Monday March 9:  Amy, Makenzie.


March 9:  Report Cards go home.

It is a very busy week in Kindergarten and Grade 1

by the Grade 1’s and typed by Mr. McGaughey

On Monday, Miss Beausoleil came to our class.  She is nice.  She helps us. On Tuesday she went skating with us but she didn’t skate.  It was our last day of skating.  It was really fun skating. Some parents went skating with us.  The teacher and Miss Beausoleil made pancakes on Tuesday.  We had our spelling test.

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Agenda for February 23-March2

I would like to welcome Jodie Beausoliel, a Georgian College Early Childhood Education Student, who will be working with me in my classroom for the next month.

Date Parent// Teacher Comments
Monday February 23:

Sharing Today:  Amy, Makenzie, Max

Tuesday  February 24:

Sharing today: Justin, West

Grade 1:  Skating  Today-Remember your skates.  We arrive at the arena just after 1 and skate from 1:30 to 2:30.


Wednesday  February 25: Kindergarten A Day

Sharing today: Ede, Alexis

Hot Dog Day:  $1.00/hot dog

Thursday  February 26:

Sharing today: Abbey, Nathan


Pizza day $1.50/slice

Friday   February 27: Kindergarten Students stay home today

Sharing today: Aaliyah

Shared Reading Books go home


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Agenda for February 9-12, 2009

Kindergarten- Grade 1 Agenda Week of: February 9-12

Please return this section to school daily so we can add notes to it during the week.

Sharing this week Sharing this week a as in apple or ape

Our class webpage is now at http://mcgaughey.edublogs.org


Parent// Teacher Comments

Monday February 9 Kindergarten A Day

Grade 1: Fast Start Books go home today.

Grade 1 Timeline Projects need to be at school.

Grade 1 Sharing their Timelines with the class

Sharing today: Amy, Makenzie


Tuesday February 10

Sharing today: Justin, West

Spelling Test: ride into just blue red from good any about around want don’t how know right

Grade 1 Sharing their Timelines with the class


Wednesday February 11 Kindergarten A Day

Sharing today: Ede, Alexis

Hot Dog Day: $1.00/hot dog

Class Valentine Party: Remember to bring valentines to share. You may also bring a special treat if you want.

Grade 1 Sharing their Timelines with the class

Thursday February 12:

Sharing today: Abbey, Nathan

Pizza Day $1.50 per slice

School Winter Carnival 11:00-1:00: Dress Warmly

Grade 1 Sharing their Timelines with the class


Pizza day $1.50/slice

Friday February 13: PA Day No Classes for Students


(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).

Sharing next week e as in eat or elf: Monday February 16: Morgan, Riley B.

Monday February 9: Grade 1 Timeline project is due back to school.

Monday February 9: Scholastic book orders due.

Tuesday February 10: Grade 1 Spelling Test.

Wednesday February 11: Class Valentine Party: Since Valentine’s Day is on a Saturday we will share class Valentines on Wednesday February 11.

Students in our Class: Kindergarten: Riley B., Holden, Amy, Alexis, Brayden, Ede, Makenzie

Grade 1: Max, West, Abbey, Nathan, Justin, Maya, Curtis, Riley W, Morgan, Aaliyah

Thursday February 12: Bayview Winter Carnival. Bring warm clothes because we will have our outdoor winter Carnival activities from 11:00am to 12:50 pm.

Remember: The Friday Kindergarten Schedule has changed a little in February. Friday February 13 is a PD Day A Day Kindergarten Friday February 19th.

Monday February 16: Holiday- Family Day.

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Kindergarten- Grade 1 Agenda Week of: February 2-7

Mr. McGaughey’s Class Bayview P.S.

(I`m sending the agenda home early this week because we have a lot of interesting activities coming up next week).

Please return this section to school daily so we can add notes to it during the week.

Sharing this week Sharing this week a as in apple or ape

Our class webpage is now at http://mcgaughey.edublogs.org


Parent// Teacher Comments

Monday February 2: Groundhog Day Kindergarten A Day

Grade 1: Fast Start Books go home today.

Sharing today: Morgan, Riley B.


Tuesday February 3

Sharing today: Riley W. Max


Wednesday February 4 Kindergarten A Day

Sharing today: Brayden, Holden

Hot Dog Day: $1.00/hot dog

Thursday February 5:

Sharing today: Maya, Curtis


Pizza day $1.50/slice

Friday February 6: Kindergarten A Day

Kindergarten Students come to school today

100th Day of School this Year: Bring in a collection of 100 things (ideas: 100 coins, 100 stickers, 100 marbles, 100 beads, 100 macaronis) (make sure it is small things)

Sharing today: Aaliyah

Shared Reading Books go home



(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).

Sharing next week a as in apple or ape: Monday February 9: Amy, Makenzie.


Monday February 2: Please return your entry for the family reading Wall of Fame. (The class who brings in the most of these entries gets a pizza party).

Friday February 6: 100th Day of School: Bring in a collection of 100 things (ideas: 100 coins, 100 stickers, 100 marbles, 100 beads, 100 macaronis) (make sure it is small things). On the 100th day of school we are going to do activities all day around the number 100.

Monday February 9: Scholastic book orders due.

Remember: The Friday Kindergarten Schedule has changed a little in February. A Day Kindergarten comes to school on Friday February 6 and Friday February 19th. Friday February 13 is a PD Day


Since Valentine’s Day is on a Saturday we will share class Valentines on Wednesday February 11.

Students in our Class: Kindergarten: Riley B., Holden, Amy, Alexis, Brayden, Ede, Makenzie

Grade 1: Max, West, Abbey, Nathan, Justin, Maya, Curtis, Riley W, Morgan, Aaliyah

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