Snowmen everywhere

This week we have been making snowmen, both out of snow and from paper.





Abbey: This is Blueman, my snowman I made.








Riley B.:

Riley W.:  My art is cool because it is Frosty.  My art is cool.:

Max: I like building snowmen.  It is fun.

West: This is my basher.  He is flat because he bashes.

Taylor:  I like my snow princess.  She is walking in her pyjamas.

Nathan: My Snowman.  I made my snowman.  I like it.

Justin: I had fun making a snowman.

Maya: I like my snowman. I put decorations on it.  It was fun making snowmen.

Curtis: My snowman is standing and my snowman is walking.

Morgan:  I made a snow-man in paper.  Paper is fun to play with.

Abbey:  I like my snowman.

Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:

Riley W.  This is me and West’s snowman

Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:

Nathan:  The snowman was a good snowman.

Justin:  I had fun making snowmen.

Nathan:  The Snowman is fun to play with.

Maya:  It’s fun making snowmen.

Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:

Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:

Morgan:  I like making snowmen.  It is fun to make snowmen.

Ted Harrison Artwork

We made pictures in the style of Ted Harrision. He is a famous painter. You can see his paintings at Here is a picture of him and one of his paintings.


His style is very unique. He uses lots of squiggly lines on his paintings. His paintings show things he has done before like sailing and living in the Artic. Here are our pictures.

















The story of our names.

At the beginning of the year, each child in the class made a
self-portrait, which we turned into a flip book.

In March, each student wrote the story of how they got their name. Here
they are together.

Alexis Houthuyzen- My mom thought that I was a boy so she called me
Alexander, but I was a girl so she called me Alexis because I look like
an Alexis. My dad called me stormy because when I was born it was a
scary birth so my middle name is stormy.

Brendan Arthur Hrynczak- My parents called me Brendan because they both
like that name. My middle name is from my mom’s step dad Arthur Dey. My
last name is after my dad’s last name. My poppa called my mom Melissa
after a small town called Melissa on Highway 11 near Burk’s Falls.

Carter Aube- Carter is my mom’s great grandmother’s family name. Jared
Darryl is my brother’s name. .Darryl came from Darrlysitler. Jared was
picked because my mom and dad liked it. Brayden, my mom liked it and
Shannah got picked from a baby book. Martin, my dad , looked like a
Martian when he was born.

Chevy Vanderhaas- Vanderhaas is Dutch. It means rabbit in Dutch. Chevy is
a Dutch name picked by my parents. Both of my parents are Dutch.

Colter Bruce Rumney- My name is Colter Bruce is my dad’s name .My mom
liked the name. A Colter is a part on an old horse plow .I like the name

Colton K. Reynolds- My mom liked the name Colton. My sister got her Name
was from an Indian tribe. My dad got his name from a famous hockey player.
His name is Lanny McDonald. And my little brother his name was from a
famous hockey player too, his name was Curtis Joseph

My name is Daniel- My mom and dad thought that I was going to be a girl
named Grace, so for two days I was Baby Reader. They had to spend a lot of
time to decide. They finally came up with Daniel from the Bible. My middle
name was Sean after dad.

Gage Lafreniere- My dad was grocery shopping in Moose Jaw, Sask., when he
noticed an adorable little boy in line in front of him. He asked the
mother what the little boys name was and she said it was Gage. My dad
thought that was really neat and original and decided he would like to one
day name his son Gage. My middle name, Palmer, is actually my mom’s last
name, which will never carry further because my mom has no brothers. We
liked the idea. My last name is Lafreniere and it is the same as my dads
last name. Lafreniere is a French Canadian name

My name is Jaden- I have a brother his name is Kalton. And this is how I
got My name in A Magazine

Jordan Todoroff- I was a name in a baby book. My brother was named after
my grandma. My dad was named after my grandma, and so was my mom.

My Name Is Nick- I have a brother and a sister and another sister. I have
blue eyes. My hair is blonde. I am 9 years old. My full name is Nicholas
Ryan Fiegehen. My mom picked my name because she liked it. I am not named
after anyone, I have my own name.

Rebecca Stewart- I was named after my Moms best friend. Billie is named
after my Nan. Jeun is named after my aunt. Stewart is named after my dad
and it’s Irish

Shaelyn Ironside- My name came in a baby book. My mom and dad pick it. My
dad liked Amber. So my middle name is Amber.

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Grandma’s Big Old Purse

On April 15, Russ Clayton gave a concert at our school. One of our
favorite songs on Russ’ CD, A Whale of a Time, is Grandma’s
Big Old Purse

You can listen to the song:
Grandma’s Big Old Purse :grandma.wma (1.25mb)
Music by Russ Clayton,
Words by Allison McWood and Russ ©2002 Sons of Clay Music

Each child in our class wrote and illustrated their own story about
what you can find in Grandma’s purse.

Click here for our stories

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Our Wrapping paper is finished

We finished our wrapping paper project just in time for Christmas.
Pictures of all the wrapping paper is on our website.

Click here
to see our wrapping paper designs.

Santa sent this letter to thank us for our hard work.

Dear Grade 2 Students at Parkview School:

Thank you for all your hard work on the wrapping paper for my printing
press. The elves scanned your pictures and put your designs into the
printing press. With your help, I had enough wrapping paper for all the
good girls and boys around the world. Please remember to thank Mr.
McGaughey and Mrs. LeMesurier for helping you to do such a good job.

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When I am Sixteen

Last week, we read a story about a girl who had two eighth birthday
parties, so she thought she was 16. Then we wrote about what we want
when we are 16.


When I am sixteen, I am going to buy a tank.

I well go to Disneyworld. And win a race against Jamie. I will stay up
late. I will buy pizza.


When I’m sixteen I want to have parties every day! I would save up to by
supplies [at work] I would invite all my friends!!! And I would not just
have them in my house but outside too! We would have dessert and supper.
I would invite my family……

By Alex W.

When I am sixteen I want a dirt bike. All my friends want a dirt bike.
They look cool. I want a dirt bike because they are good for jumps. I
might try one of the jumps with my friends.


When I am sixteen, I will go to paintball. On my team will be my
cousins. We will play it every other night for practise. When I am
sixteen, I will be taller than my mom and maybe my dad. It will be fun
when I’m sixteen. I will help Dad’s work go faster. I wonder if I could
save up for a playstation 2?


My Bike…

When I am sixteen I will get an adult bike. It will have shocks too.

It will be blue or light blue. I will make jumps for it too. It will be
cool and awesome, very awesome .

Alexander H.

When I am 16 I’ll have a dune buggy. I will build a garage for it. I
will try to do tricks on it. I will take it on a track. I will try to
flip it. I will chase Avery around circles for ever.


When I am sixteen I am going to have a car. The colour will be yellow. I
will drive my friends to places.

By Mikayla

When I’m Sixteen…

I want to get a cute car. It will be a Cadillac. It will be black. I’ll
drive my friends to the movies and horse shows. I’d get a job at Tim
Horton`s. I’d get 1000 dollars. I would get a miniature pony and a
horse. My pony’s name will be Bear and my horse, Mint.

Friday April 8, 2005


My Car

When I am six teen I want a car. I want the colour to be rainbow. If it
costs alot of money then I want it to cost 105 dollars. I will wash it
every other day and I will use it properly.

by Liam

When I grow up and I’m 16, I’ll make a wrestling arena. I’ll buy wood,
rope and a trampoline. Then I’ll take off the bouncy thing, and make it
the bottom. I’m going to paint it. Then it would be done. Then I could

Kurt When I am sixteen I`m getting a dirtbike. I`ll paint it green. Then
I will make a jump that’s as big as the school.

By Chelsey. When I am sixteen I would like to have my own car so I could
drive my friends to places. I would get a Hummer. I would also get a
dirt bike. When I am sixteen, I will get a job at McDonalds because my
mom and dad go there LOTS!

Brennan When I am 16, I will have a job at Cheezers. I will be in
Jamie`s band. I will be playing the drum set. Jamie will be the lead
guitar and singer. Our band will be called the Hurricanes.

Friday April 8 2005 Breanna My Car

When I am sixteen I want a car to drive my friends in. My friends are
Ketura and Sam. It will be fun to have a car.


When I’m sixteen I want a car that is a Caddilac or an Astrovan. Then I
want a miniature dog that stays little. Then I can get out of the house
and give my friends, and family a ride.


When I am sixteen I want a job to get paycheck. I can get a race car and
it can race well and get a lot of money. I can make a jump bigger than
the school.

By Samantha

When I am16 I will go to Florida. I will get a car and drive my friends
to places. I will get a cat and treat it well.

By Abby

When I am sixteen, I want to work at Macdonald’s because my family goes
there a LOT.

By Trevor
By Trevor

When I am sixteen I will be a boxer. I will
be cool. I will be the best boxer in the world. I will
make lots of money . I will be fun and cool.

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Book Fair Posters

In late November, Mrs. Downer had an art contest for posters promoting
our December Book Fair.

Here are the entries from our class.







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