Sharing this week o… as in note or otter:
NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON March Break March 8-16
Monday March 3
Song Books Back to School Today
Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.
Gym Today
Sharing Today: Abbie, Brittney
Tuesday March 4
Mad Science Assembly
Sharing Today: Abbie, Brooke, Casey
Wednesday March 5
Sharing Today: Cayden, Daniella
Thursday March 6:
The Power of One assembly
Pizza Day: $1.50
Sharing Today: Elliot, Hanna
Friday March 7
Last Day of Skating 9am-10:45 am: Bring your skates, warm clothes and
helmet. Parents are welcome to join us at the arena to help tie skates
and join us skating on the ice.
Sharing Today: Hayley, Jaida
Fast Start Poetry books back to school
Song Books go home to be returned on Monday March 17
Sharing on Monday March 17: o… as in note or otter:
Jake, Jefferson
(Dates to Remember).
Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice
Mr. McGaughey’s Class Website
March 7: Last Day of Skating 9am-10:45 am: Bring your skates, warm
clothes and helmet. Parents are welcome to join us at the arena to help
tie skates and join us skating on the ice.
March 21: Good Friday—No School
March 24: Easter Monday—No School