Ted Harrison Artwork

We made pictures in the style of Ted Harrision. He is a famous painter. You can see his paintings at www.tedharrison.com. Here is a picture of him and one of his paintings.


His style is very unique. He uses lots of squiggly lines on his paintings. His paintings show things he has done before like sailing and living in the Artic. Here are our pictures.

















Agenda for April 28-May 2

Monday April 28

Song Books Back to School Today


Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Jake, Jefferson


Tuesday April 29:

Sharing Today: Meagan, Michael


Wednesday April 30:

Sharing Today: Nicholas, Rachel


Thursday April May 1:

Sharing: Sierra, Sillis.


Friday May 2:

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday



(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).

Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice

Wednesday May 7: 6:30-7:30pm: Family Literacy night. Our class will be singing for the parents and there will be activities for parents and children. Remember to return your free registration form so we know how many people are attending

Friday May 9, 2008: Jump Rope for Heart: Permission forms for collecting pledges due by Friday April 18.


Sharing next week: ch… as in chair– Monday May 5: Abbie, Brittney: Tuesday May 6: Brooke, Casey: Wednesday May 7 Cayden, Daniella Thursday May 8 Elliot: Friday May 9: Hayley, Jaida

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Week of April 14-19

I update the website regularly with classroom news, information, agenda notices, and examples of student work.
Sharing this week y… as in year or day

Monday April 14

Song Books Back to School Today
Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.
Gym Today
Scholastic SeeSaw Book Orders go home today. They are due on Friday April 18.
Sharing Today: Jake, Jefferson, Daniella
Tuesday April 15:
Sharing Today: Meagan, Michael


Wednesday April 16:
Sharing Today: Nicholas, Rachel

Thursday April 17:
Sharing: Sierra, Sillis


Friday April 18:
Fast Start Poetry books back to school
Song Books go home to be returned on Monday
Wacky Hair Day
Friday April 18:

Scholastic SeeSaw Book orders due.

Sharing on Monday April 21 i… as in ice or igloo, Abbie, Brittney
————————————————————(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).
Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice
Spirit week has been changed. Please wait for further announcements.
Wacky Hair Day has changed to Friday April 18.
Jump Rope for Heart is on May 9, 2008. Permission forms for collecting pledges due by Friday April 18.
Friday April 18: Scholastic SeeSaw Book orders due.
I am moving my class webpage to a new location. You can now find it at http://mcgaughey.edublogs.org
It is still a work in progress. There are lots of things still to add, but all my old blog posts are now on the new site.
I update the website regularly with classroom news, information, agenda notices, and examples of student work.

It’s Spring!

 By the whole class.  Typed by Mr. McG.

It is finally Spring.  The snow is melting very quickly.  The birds are starting to come back.  There are more sunny days. The flowers are starting to rise from the ground.  We can finally see some grass.  We can see the dirt and lots of MUD!  It is getting warmer.  Now we can finally go swimming. The leaves are starting to grow.

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Morning Message April 8

Good Morning Boys and Girls:

Today is Tuesday April 8.
Today we are going to finish up our letters and our math sheets in the morning.  Mr. McGaughey is going to do some reading records with students. If it gets nicer outside, maybe we can go out for the gym class we missed last week.

Mr. McGaughey has done some more work on the new web page. It is starting to look pretty nice.

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Weekly Agenda April 7-11

Sharing this week y… as in year or day:
Monday April 7
Song Books Back to School Today
Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.
Gym Today
Sharing Today:

Tuesday April 8:
Sharing Today: Abbie, Brittney, Brooke, Casey


Wednesday April 9:
Sharing Today: Cayden, Daniella

Thursday April 10:
Sharing: Elliot


Friday April 11:
Fast Start Poetry books back to school
Song Books go home to be returned on Monday
Sharing: Hayley, Jaida

Sharing on Monday April 14 y as in year or day : Jake, Jefferson
(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).
Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice
Next week is Spirit Week at Bayview School: Monday April 14- Wacky Hair Day, Tuesday April 15 Twin Day, Wednesday April 16 Clash Day, Thursday April 17 Sports Day, Friday April 18 Celebrity Day
Jump Rope for Heart is on May 9, 2008. Permission forms for collecting pledges due by Friday April 18.

Mr. McGaughey’s old Class Website http://bay.scdsb.on.ca/classes/mcgaughey/index.htm

His new website can be found at http://mcgaughey.edublogs.org.

Jack About the Beanstalk

Jack About the Beanstalk is a play that came to our school on April 3.
They were from Big Kid Entertainment. After the play. Ryan, one of the
actors came to our class.

Then we wrote a retell about the story.

In the beginning of the story, They talked about how Jack had stolen the
golden hen and he decided to give it back. His daughter did not want to
give it back. She wanted to be like Sharpey on High School Musical.

In the middle of the story, Jack and his wife were trying to teach their
daughter how to be kind to others. Jack Climbed up the beanstalk to get
give back the golden hen.Jack met the Giant. He tried to give it back,
but the Giant did not want it. He said to give it to someone who needed
it. Jack climbed down the beanstalk. Jack talked to his daughter and his
wife. His daughter wanted to keep the golden hen but Jack said she had
to give it to someone who needed it. She said that she would try to give
it to someone, but if they didn’t want it, then she could
keep it.

At the end, She tried to trick her parents into letting her keep the
golden hen by offering it to the Giant again. The Giant still didn’t
want it. Finally Jack’s daughter offered the hen to the Giant as a new
friend. Jack’s daughter was nice to others. She gave the Golden Hen to
the giant.

They all sang a song about being kind and responsible, called A
Person of Good Character

You can click on the picture to hear them singing the song.
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Grade 1 Agenda Week of: March 31-April 4

Sharing this week u… as in use or up

Monday March 31:

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Hayley, Jaida

Tuesday April 1, 1908

Sharing Today: Jake, Jefferson,

Wednesday April 2

Sharing Today: Meagan, Michael

Thursday April 3:

We have a special presentation of Jack About the Beanstalk by Big Kid
Entertainment in the morning.

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing: Nicholas, Rachel

Friday April 4

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Tuesday March 24

Sharing: Sierrra, Sillis

Sharing on Monday April 7 : y as in consant year or vowel
day : Abbie, Brittney


Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice

Please return Jump Rope for Heart form by Friday April 18.

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Mad Science


On March 4, Neil from Mad Science gave a presentation in the gym. 

We made a slideshow and movie of his visit which you can see here.

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Agenda for March 3-7

Sharing this week o… as in note or otter:

NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON March Break March 8-16

Monday March 3

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Abbie, Brittney


Tuesday March 4

Mad Science Assembly

Sharing Today: Abbie, Brooke, Casey


Wednesday March 5

Sharing Today: Cayden, Daniella


Thursday March 6:

The Power of One assembly

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing Today: Elliot, Hanna


Friday March 7

Last Day of Skating 9am-10:45 am: Bring your skates, warm clothes and
helmet. Parents are welcome to join us at the arena to help tie skates
and join us skating on the ice.

Sharing Today: Hayley, Jaida

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday March 17

Sharing on Monday March 17: o… as in note or otter:
Jake, Jefferson


(Dates to Remember).

Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice

Mr. McGaughey’s Class Website

March 7: Last Day of Skating 9am-10:45 am: Bring your skates, warm
clothes and helmet. Parents are welcome to join us at the arena to help
tie skates and join us skating on the ice.

March 21: Good Friday—No School

March 24: Easter Monday—No School

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