Optimism Presentation

On Friday March 31, our class led a school assembly on optimism.

Mr. McGaughey told the whole school that they had to come to school on
Saturday April 1 because of all the snow days that we missed. Then our
whole class jumped up and said "APRIL FOOL!"

Click on the picture to see the slideshow we made for the assembly (you
need adobe acrobat or reader).

Optimism Slide Show

Optimism Assembly

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Coming up in Grade 4 April 3-13

Friday March 31: First installment for Kitchi Trip due: $45
April 3: Scholastic Orders, 2 Newsletters go home
Friday April 7:
Easter Art with Mrs. Tripp
Monday April 10: Scholastic Arrow book
orders due.
Wednesday April 12: Math Quiz—Area and Grids,
Multiplication by 2 and 3 digit numbers (Chapter 8 and 9)
April 12: Parent Meeting for Camp Kitchi Trip: Regent School (6:00pm)
April 13: Easter Art with Mrs. Ahrens
Easter: Good Friday April 14,
Easter Monday: April 17: No School
Friday April 29: Second installment
for Kitchi Trip due: $45
Wednesday May 31: Third installment for Kitchi
Trip due: $40
June 14-16: Grade 4 Trip to Camp Kitchi.

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We’re going to Camp Kitchi!

March 22, 2006
Dear Grade 4 Families:

The first day of spring
has arrived and it is time to prepare for the grade 4 class trip to Camp
Kitchikewana. The Grade 4 Camp Kitchi trip is a longstanding tradition for
many schools in our area. For many of the children, it is their first
experience of camp, and the first time they have traveled away from their
parents. The grade 4 students from Parkview will be going to Camp
Kitchikewana with students from Bayview, Regent and Huron Park schools.

will be a presentation by Kitchi staff and teachers for parents at Regent
School on the evening of Wednesday April 12 (time TBA).

We will be
going leaving on June 14 and returning on June 16, 2006. The cost of the
trip will be $130 per student.

To assist families with paying for
the trip, we have arranged that you can make payments in 3 installments if
you wish. You are welcome to pay for the whole trip with one installment.
Cheques can be made payable to Parkview Public School The
installments will be due as follows:

March 31: $45
April 29: $45
31: $40

Thank you,
Mr. McGaughey, Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Veall
Kitchi Timeline
March 31: First installment due = $45 due
April 12:
Parent meeting at Regent School 6pm
April 29: Second installment due =
May 31: Third installment due = $40
Wednesday June 14: Leave for
Camp Kitchi: Time tba
Friday June 16: Return from Camp Kitchi for pick
up at (time tba)

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We’re designing wrapping paper for Santa!


North Pole

H0H 0H0

November 21, 2004

Dear Boys and Girls at Huronia Centennial Elementary School:

Greetings from the North Pole! November is almost over and the Advent season is arriving, Mrs. Claus, the elves and I set up our Nativity scene outside last evening and just as we finished the snow began to fall gently. It was so beautiful!

As you know, December is a very busy month here at the North Pole! This year we are making more presents than ever for good boys and girls. Each of those presents needs to be wrapped up. Fortunately, we have a computerized wrapping paper printing machine in our workshop. It will reproduce patterns much more quickly than our old one and can even read images from digital cameras! The elves and I would like your help in designing some new geometric patterns to put in it. Will you help us out? The students at Huronia Centennial have made some beautiful wrapping paper designs for us in the past.

The wrapping paper patterns must be repeated, incorporate two-dimensional shapes, and include a transformation. Of course, the pattern must be on a Christmas or winter theme. At the end, you can keep the wrapping paper – all we need is a photograph and a written description of it so that we can enter it into our printing machine!

The elves and I will be anxiously waiting for your response. Have fun with your designs!



We are happy to do this Job for Santa. Mr. McGaughey and Mrs. McGinnis will be teaching us about shapes, transformations and patterns to get us ready to design our wrapping paper. We will make our wrapping paper in class before Christmas. Here is the letter that we wrote back to Santa.

Dear Santa:

How are you doing up at the North Pole?
We are going to take your challenge. We are going to make your wrapping paper. We are looking forward to it. We are sure it will be fun. We will try to follow all your design guidelines. We will send you pictures of our wrapping paper on the last school week before Christmas (December 15).


Mr. McGaughey`s Grade 2 Class

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Dates to Remember

November 30: Report Cards go home.

December 2,3: Student Involved Conferences: Check your Report Card Envelope for your appointment time.

December 14: Field Trip to Huronia Museum in the Morning. Please return your $8.00 and permission form ASAP


Music + Rap Have fun reading

Books are cool. Books are fun.

Books are made for everyone.

Books have a little pictures. Books have words.

Kids like books so do worms.

Adults do. What about you?

I like books. They are made for you.

By Samantha H., Abby D. and Samantha B.

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Halloween Activities– October 29, 2004

The students in the primary division (JK- Grade 3) are invited to wear seasonal colours or Hallowe’en clothing for a short parade through the school on Friday Morning. Please ensure that your child’s costume is over top of other clothes which will be worn for the remainder of the day. Also remind your child that all clothing must be taken home the same day. This is especially important if it is the costume to be worn on Hallowe’en.

We will be having Hallowe’en activities in our classroom in the morning. Instead of a Hallowe’en party with sweets, we will have a class luncheon. Please feel free to bring a healthy snack or drink to share for our lunch. In the afternoon, we will have regular classes. Thank you– Mr. McGaughey

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Coming Up in Grade 4 February 7-17

Tuesday February 14: Scholastic Arrow book orders due.

Speech Presentations in Gym: Wednesday February 8, 12:30pm: 2 Students
from each junior class will be presenting their speeches. Tommy T. and
Gillian will be representing our class.

Math: Chapter 7: 2-dimensional shapes. Math Test Monday February 13

Science: Continuing investigations and experiments with the properties
of sound and light. In two weeks, you child will be making a pinhole
camera. They will need a small can or box (Pringles cans are ideal),
foil and some wax paper. Monday February 13.

Science Test—Light and Sound: Monday February 20.

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