Grade 1 Agenda February 18-22

Sharing this week e… as in eat or elf

Monday February 18 No School Today: Family Day

Tuesday February 19

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Abbie, Brittney

Wednesday February 20

Sharing Today: Brooke, Casey

Thursday February 21

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing Today: Cayden, Daniella

Friday February 22

Scholastic Book orders due today

Skating Today: Don’t forget your helmet and skates

Sharing Today: Elliot, Hannah

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday

Sharing on Monday February 25: e… as in eat
or elf: Hayley, Jaida


(Feel Free to cut off this Section to hang on the Fridge).

Friday February 22 Scholastic Book orders due

Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice

Mr. McGaughey’s Class Website

Skating Field Trips are on: February 22, 29 and March 7: 9am-10:45 am:
Bring Hat gloves, skates and helmets. We will not be getting undressed
at the start of the school day. We will be taking attendance and going
on the bus. We would welcome parents joining us at the arena to help tie
skates and join us on the ice.

Some children have lost their black or green books (sometimes more than
once). It is a lot of work to replace them. If your child has lost their
green book, black book or mail bag, please send in a new green or black
duo-tang or mailbag as soon as possible. Daily reading at home is an
important part of learning to read. We have 2 reading books that go
home: The Black Fast Start book on weeknights and the Green Song Book on
weekends. We also use these books in class so if your child does not
have them on in class they have to share with others.

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Grade 1 Agenda Week of: February 11-February 15

Sharing this week a… as in apple or ape:

Monday February 11

Song Books Back to School Today

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Jake, Jefferson


Tuesday February 12

Sharing Today: Meagan, Michael

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.


Wednesday February 13

Sharing Today: Nicholas, Rachel


Thursday February 14:

Valentine’s Day: We will be sharing valentines and you may bring a snack
to share with the class if you would like.

Pizza Day: $1.50


Friday February 15

Sharing Today: Sierra, Sillis

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday

No School on Monday February 18: Family Day

Sharing on Tuesday February 19: e… as in eat or elf: Abbie, Brittney

Skating Field Trips are on: February 22, 29 and March 7: 9am-10:45 am:
Cost $9 for 3 sessions. Please return Permission forms as soon as

People in our Class (For Valentines): Casey, Hayley, Sillis, Brooke,
Jaida, Cayden, Elliot, Meagan, Brittney, Daniella, Sierra, Abbie,
Rachel, Nicholas, Hannah, Michael, Jefferson, Jake, Mrs. Newton, Mrs.
Mallows, Mrs. Jones, Mr. MacDonald, Mr. McClelland, Mr. McGaughey

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Agenda for February 4-8

Monday February 4

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Brittney


Tuesday February 5

Sharing Today: Abbie, Brooke, Casey


Wednesday February 6

Sharing Today: Cayden, Daniella


Thursday February 7

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing Today: Elliot, Hanna


FRIDAY February 8 100th Day of School

Please bring in a collection of 100 of something (ie 100 stickers,
100 cheerios, 100 pennies, etc..) to show to the class.

Sharing Today: Hayley, Jaida

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday

Sharing on Monday February 4: a… as in apple or ape: Jake,


Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice

Mr. McGaughey’s Class Website

Skating Field Trips are on: February 22, 29 and March 7: 9am-10:45 am:
Cost $9 for 3 sessions. Please return Permission forms as soon as

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Agenda for January 28-February 1

Sharing this week c… as in candy or plastic


Monday January 28

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Jake, Jefferson


Today is Family Literacy Day:

Find 10 Ways to Celebrate Family Literacy Day
Here are the top 5.

5. Surf the Internet together to find great sites that support your

4. Read a classic adventure together. If your children like Survivor,
they will love Treasure Island.

3. Research and write your family’s history. Use the Internet, family
letters and documents as resources, and interview your relatives.

2. Sing favourite songs. Find out more about the songwriter or singer on
the Internet. Make up your own songs.

1. Write your own adventure. Write a short story as a family with
alternative endings written by each family ember.

For additional Family Literacy Day tips and activities visit

Copyright © ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation

Tuesday January 29

Sharing Today: Meagan, Michael


Wednesday January 30

Sharing Today: Nicholas, Rachel


Thursday January 31

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing Today: Sierra, Sillis

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday



Sharing on Monday February 4: a… as in apple or ape: Abbie, Brittney

Skating Field Trips are on: February 22, 29 and March 7: 9am-10:45 am:
Cost $9 for 3 sessions. Please return Permission forms as soon as

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We wrote a letter to a band, and got a reply

Trout Fishing in America

Our class likes to listen to the music of the band, Trout
Fishing in America (
. In November the
children planned and dictated a letter to Trout Fishing in America while
Mr. McGaughey typed.

Here is the letter we wrote.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

(Written by Mr. McGaugheys Grade1 class. Typed by Mr. McGaughey).

Dear Ezra and Keith:

Hello, we are Mr. McGaughey’s Grade one class at Bayview School in
Midland, Ontario Canada. We really like your song about 18 Wheels on a
Big Rig. Thank you for writing the song. We wish you will write many
more songs. We sing this song to begin our math class.

Yours Truly,

Mr. McGaughey’s Grade1 Class.

Here is the response we got, from Karen Thom, who works with Trout
Fishing in America.

Hi Sean,

Thanks for the note from you and your students. I will forward on to
Keith and Ezra. I know they will appreciate you taking the time to
write. Although Trout does a great version of 18 wheels on a big rig, it
was actually written by a guy named Heywood Banks (a comedian). It
really is a fun song and we love to hear that it is used in the

Best fishes,

Karen Thom

Trout Records

A few weeks later, they recorded a short voice message for the class on
the phone with Mr. McGaughey.

You can listen to that message here.

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Agenda January 21-25

Grade 1 Agenda Week of: January 21-24

Sharing this week c… as in candy or plastic

Monday January 21

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Abbie, Brittney


Tuesday January 22

Sharing Today: Brooke, Casey


Wednesday January 23

Sharing Today: Cayden, Daniella


Thursday January 24

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing Today: Elliot, Hannah


Friday January 25

Sharing Today: Hayley, Jaida

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday

Sharing on Monday January 28: c… as in candy or plastic: Jake,

Mr. McGaughey’s Class Website

Skating Field Trips are on: February 22, 29 and March 7: 9am-10:45 am:
Cost $9 for 3 sessions. Please return permission forms as soon as

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Agenda January 14-18, 2008

I have set up my class webpage. You can find it at

I update the website regularly with classroom news, information, agenda
notices, and examples of student work.

Sharing this week. d… as in day or dad

Monday January 14

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Scholastic Book Orders due Today.

Gym Today

Sharing Today: Hayley, Jaida


Tuesday January 15

Sharing Today: Jake, Jefferson


Wednesday January 16

Sharing Today: Meagan, Michael

Return Skating Permission Forms


Thursday January 17

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing Today: Nicholas, Rachel


Friday January 18

Sharing Today: Sierra, Sillis

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday

Sharing on Monday January 21: c… as in candy or plastic: Abbie,

Skating Field Trips: February 22, 29 and March 7: 9am-10:45 am: Cost
$9 for 3 sessions. Please return Permission forms by Wednesday January

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The House that Jack Built

Mr. McGaughey is a volunteer reader for,
a group of volunteers all over the world who record public domain
audiobooks and put them up for free on the Internet. In October, we
helped Mr. Sayers from California by proof listening a recording he did
of The House
that Jack Built
. This story was originally published in 1880. You
can listen to the story here
and look at the pictures here.

You can find many other audiobooks for children at
You can search the Librivox Catalog just for Children’s
Books here
, but there are over 1000 audiobooks of all kinds at

The Children’s
Digital Library (
contains scans of thousands
of rare childrens books to read on your computer.

Our emails to and from Mr. Sayers are below.

Monday, October 15, 2007

By Mr. McGaughey’s Grade 1 class.

Typed by Mr. McGaughey

Dear Mr. Sayers:

How are you doing? Thank you for recording the book, The House that Jack
Built, on your computer. Mr. McGaughey and all of us proof-listened your
story and we agree that it is good. We looked at the pictures on the
computer. We really enjoyed it. We liked when the girl milked the cow.
We liked the part when the cow bucked the dog. We hope you record more
stories for children.

Yours truly,

Mr. McGaughey’s Grade 1 class


Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:58 pm

Greetings First Graders!

Thank you for the kind words about The House that Jack Built. It was
great to hear from your class 2,000 miles away, especially since I had
just recorded it an hour before you wrote me!

If you liked that nursery rhyme, you will probably also like Our Old
Nursery Rhymes which you can find at
. It has a lot of nursery rhymes that have been set to music and then

That recording has an interesting story behind it. My daughter, Jackie,
is studying music at the university where I teach. She and 16 other
friends who are also music students got together and recorded the music
and words to these nursery rhymes. I think they did a great job, and I
bet you will agree.

Let me know how you like them!

-Mr. Sayers

ps. I used to teach Kindergarten and First Grade, too!

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News for January 7-11

Grade 1 Agenda Week of: January 7-11

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. It is great to be
back to school in 2008

A sharing Schedule for January and February is attached.

Thursday: Pizza Day $1.50 slice

Scholastic Book Orders Due Monday January 14.

Sharing this week. d… as in day or dad

Monday January 7

Song Books Back to School Today

Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.

Scholastic Book Orders go Home Today. Due: Monday January 14

Gym Today

Tuesday January 8

Sharing Today: Abbie, Brittney

Wednesday January 9

Sharing Today: Brooke, Casey

Thursday January 10

Pizza Day: $1.50

Sharing Today: Cayden, Daniella

Friday January 11

Sharing Today: Elliot, Hannah

Fast Start Poetry books back to school

Song Books go home to be returned on Monday

Sharing on Monday January 14: d… as in day or dad: Hayley, Jaida

Here is the sharing schedule for January and February 2008. Please help
your child choose and prepare to share about one or two items beginning
or ending with the sound of the week for their sharing day.

January 2008 sharing schedule

February Sharing Schedule

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